Missing data report
To provide numbers of users with completed and missing or invalid data in custom fields and key user fields, with an additional detailed view showing the users with that data collected or missing/invalid.
Included user fields
Email address, phone number, address, emergency contact and date of birth are core data fields that many organistions want to collect for all volunteers. These are included in the Missing Data report.
All of your organisation’s custom fields are also included. Those that have not been restricted by role will appear on the initial screen. For those that have been restricted by role, you should use the role filter. Ticking for all volunteer roles will show all of your organisation’s custom fields.
Only users with permissions to view specific custom fields will be able to see those fields in the missing data report. Clicking on the numbers in the Collected and Missing/Invalid columns will open the detailed view of those specific users.
Filters available
- Status eg Active, On-hold etc
- Teams
- Roles
Sort available
- Custom field name
- Number collected (count of users)
- Number missing/invalid (count of users)
Links available
- Click on the numbers in the Collected and Missing/Invalid columns to go to the detailed view for a list of relevant users with the value recorded for that custom field. File and image custom fields display a link to download.
- View in My Team – Yes – in the detailed view
- User ID; Name; Role title (primary, internal role title); Value (of the custom field).
Standard user fields
- Address – first line and postcode exported. You should use the Export function to get address data.
Custom field formats
- File and image – not exported
- Checkbox – exported as comma separated values