Leavers report
Last Updated:
To provide a list of all role leavers and those for whom this also meant leaving the organisation, by leaving reason given.
A count of all those who left a role is provided in the summary, along with the top reason for leaving.
Filters available
- Leaver type (left the organisation or just one of their roles)
- Teams
- Roles
- Leaving reasons
- Date (range)
There's also the option to Show Identifiers (the Assemble user ID)
Sort available
- Name
- Team
- Role
- Start date (role)
Links available
- Click on the user name to go to their record
- View in My Team – Yes
- Yes
Name; team; role; leaving date; reason
Only one top reason is shown. If two or more reasons share this top position, the first reason by alphabetical order will be shown. Please use the Leaving Reasons report for detailed information on leaving reasons.