Users by team report
Last Updated:
To provide an overview numbers of users by team. The total number is likely to be higher than the total number of users due to people holding roles in multiple teams.
Filters available
- Status eg Active, On-hold etc
- Teams
- Roles
- Date (single date)
There's also the option to Show Identifiers (the Team ID number)
Sort available
- Team
- Number (count of number of users in that team)
Links available
- Click on the number to go to the detailed view for a list of users in the team as well as their role title (internal)
- View in My Team – Yes – in the detailed view
Count of users
- Team name; number of users
List of users (detailed view)
- User ID; Name; Status; Start date; Date and time of last login; Role title (internal); Teams (all teams that the volunteer is part of); Roles (all internal role titles that the volunteer has)