• Update my details

    You can view and amend your details at any time. To access your details in a browser, log into Assemble, cl...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Skills & Interests

    To update your skills and interests, press the "Skills and Interests" tab, and then select/unselect the app...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Update contact information

    Status Assemble allows you to place yourself "on hold" for up to six months at a time eg if you're expectin...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Roles & responsibilities

    This section displays your role title, the named manager for the role and the team (including group, shop o...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Password & privacy

    Privacy and consent You can update your privacy settings and consent at any time. Occasionally, your organi...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Recognitions

    Recognitions allows your organisation to say "thank you" for the time and effort you have put in to help th...

    Adriana Oliveira
  • Training

    Completing a training module Training is assigned to role profiles, so you'll only see a list of training a...

    Wendy Halley
  • On/Off Call

    This functionality allows you to inform your organisation if you are available for the day and for how long...

    Adriana Oliveira