My Profile
Update my details
You can view and amend your details at any time. To access your details in a browser, log into Assemble, cl...
Skills & Interests
To update your skills and interests, press the "Skills and Interests" tab, and then select/unselect the app...
Update contact information
Status Assemble allows you to place yourself "on hold" for up to six months at a time eg if you're expectin...
Roles & responsibilities
This section displays your role title, the named manager for the role and the team (including group, shop o...
Password & privacy
Privacy and consent You can update your privacy settings and consent at any time. Occasionally, your organi...
Recognitions allows your organisation to say "thank you" for the time and effort you have put in to help th...
Completing a training module Training is assigned to role profiles, so you'll only see a list of training a...
On/Off Call
This functionality allows you to inform your organisation if you are available for the day and for how long...