Activities category & outcomes

Last Updated:
by Wendy Halley

Activity category

Activities category can be open to being used by all or restricted to one or more of the following features.

  • Ad-hoc activities
  • Rota
  • Events
  • Opportunities
  • Tasks

Activities category must have a top-level category and sub-categories, the top-level category works as a category title only. The following should be observed when adding/editing new categories and sub-categories:

  1. Top-level category can only be deleted if it doesn't have sub-categories assigned
  2. Outcomes can only be assigned to sub-categories
  3. Only sub-categories can be restricted to one or more features
    • Sub-categories within the same top-level category can be assigned to different features

Tasks and ad-hoc activity categories

When adding an activity to a task the user will be able to select from sub-categories opened to tasks and ad-hoc activities; but, when adding the "final" activity of the task (complete task) the final activity category will be the task sub-category, and this can't be changed. However, it can be edited afterwards and the sub-category can be changed to any sub-category available to tasks and ad-hoc activities.

Add new top-level category

Click the add button at top of the page and follow the on-screen instructions

Add sub-category 

Please note that to create a sub-category you must first create a top-level category, then hover over it to reveal the edit and more actions button.

Select "add sub-category" option from the more actions button and add the sub-category name.

By default, the sub-category is selected to apply to all features, unselect the ones it shouldn't be open to if applicable.

Adding outcome to sub-categories

Outcomes can be added when creating the sub-category. The outcome should be created first, or at any time when editing the sub-category. Available outcomes are shown in the column on the left. To add an outcome to the activity, click the plus symbol (+) on it and the outcome will move to the right-hand column. Click on the minus symbol (-) on an outcome to remove it from the activity.

You can reorder outcomes to display at the completion of an activity in a specific order by dragging and dropping them within the list.

If an outcome is removed from a sub-category that has activities assigned to it, collected outcomes won't be removed from existing activities; it will only not show for new activities added under the sub-category. Also, associated activities won't collect outcomes.


Outcomes help you measure the impact of your organisation's volunteering activities, allowing you to link outcomes directly with your strategic or operational plans. You can also use outcomes to collect and report on volunteer feedback.

Outcomes use the same custom field types and interface. Drag and drop the desired field type from the right column to the main screen, then follow the onscreen instruction.

Link activity outcome to a custom field

Custom fields can also be linked to a drop-down activity outcome. This allows the activity outcome drop-down to be populated by the user attributes. This functionality can be used to provide a list of items to each volunteer which they can then select from when filling out activity outcomes.

Set up:

  1. Set up a new text custom field
  2. Create a dropdown activity outcome on Settings ==> Manage ==> Activity categories ==> outcomes
    • Select "link to custom field", then from the drop-down list select the text custom field you've created on step one
  3. Assign the created outcome on step 2 to the related activity category
  4. On the user record, under "Other details" section find the custom field from step one:
    • Add the items that should display in the activity outcome dropdown for the user. The list is user specific, repeat this step for each user manually*
    • The custom field must be formatted as highlighted in order to display in the outcome drop-down correctly: id, display value| id, display value| id, display value

* Please contact Assemble support if the outcome drop-down information needs to be pulled out from an external system into Assemble.