Rota (Legacy)
Rota is a powerful tool to help you and your team to effectively manage your volunteering hours, giving you full autonomous control.
Calendar view
When you first enter the rota system, you will be shown a calendar with the current month loaded. On a certain date(s), you may see coloured dots:
- Blue: This indicates that you have a shift booked for that date.
- Red: This indicates that there is at least a 15-minute period where there is a shortage of volunteers.
- If there are no coloured dots on a specific date, then it means that there are enough volunteers covering the rota that day and that you are not doing a shift.
If you are part of multiple rotas, for example, you volunteer in two separate shops within your organisation, you can filter these to show them one at a time. You'll see a "Display: [Rota Name]" drop-down on the top right of the calendar. Simply select the rota you want to view and click Clear when you want to see all your shifts together in the single calendar view.
From the month view, you can click on a specific date to see further details. (If you have access to multiple rotas, then you'll be taken to an overview of each of your rotas where you then click to select the rota you want to see.)
Date view
Looking at a specific date for a rota will show you the list of others who are covering shifts on that date. If there are any gaps in the day when the rota is below minimum numbers, this will be shown as a red bar. The numbers of volunteers on a shift are set by your organisation, so that will affect when a red bar is shown.
Add shift
Click the "Add shift" button from the top of the rota on any page and a modal will pop up. This allows you to add a shift for any date; however, if you were on a specific date, then the date will be pre-filled for you.
Check the date you want to add and make sure it is correct. Then select the desired start/end times of your shift.
Tip: If available, you can click the "All day" checkbox and the system will pre-fill the start and end times of the shift for you
Please be aware that your start/end times cannot be more than half an hour before or past the rota start times. The system will also not allow you to book overlapping shifts.
If you would like to enter a repeating shift, starting from the date you've selected, select the desired repeat frequency:
- None
- Every week
- Every 2 weeks
- Every 3 weeks
- Every 4 weeks
As soon as you select a repeat frequency, you will see days of the week appear below. Select the required days of the week you would like to enter and then select the end date of your repeating shifts.
If you have access to multiple rotas, you will also see a Team selector where you can click on the desired rota.
If you have supervisor access to Assemble, you will also have the ability to select the volunteer for whom you'd like to add this shift.
Once you have filled in all the required details, press the "Add shift" button and you will be shown a validation message which will indicate whether or not your shift was successfully added.
Repeating shifts
If you add a repeating shift, you will be provisionally booked in while Assemble carries out scheduling checks. This will allow the system to ensure that you have not accidentally booked overlapping shifts and that your hours are valid. So you may not see your shifts appear instantly but will normally be within 15 minutes or so. You will receive notification via the Assemble messaging system, confirming which of your shifts were added.
Edit/cancel shift
If you would like to edit or cancel your shift, click on the shift time indicator bar next to your name where a box will pop up, allowing you to change your shift hours. If you would like to cancel it, press the "Delete" button.
If you have supervisor access to Assemble, you can also do this for others within the rotas you have access to. When you add/edit/delete a shift for someone else, they will receive notification via the Assemble messaging system.
To help with recording hours and other measurements that your organisatio may use, Assemble automatically adds the relevant activity category for rota shifts if this has been set up. If the shift is updated, the activity should reflect the changes made to it.
Shift times will also appear in your Assemble calendar.
Change rota hours - supervisor level access only
Depending on your permissions, you may have the ability to modify the hours for a specific rota on a specific date. This will allow you to:
- Set custom start/end times
- Set it to default start/ end times
- Close the rota for the day
Any changes to the rota which affect other volunteers’ shifts will be automatically adjusted and they will receive notification from Assemble.