
Last Updated:
by Adriana Oliveira

A webhook is a way for a system to provide other systems with real-time information whenever a certain action takes place.

You can create webhooks to instantly deliver information to another system your organisation uses whenever a new activity or user is created, updated or deleted.

Webhooks will immediately work after it's created and you cannot update model/event after a webhook has been created.

Assemble supports triggering a webhook whenever a change is made to one of the following:

  • User
  • Activity
  • Vetting

Data format

All webhooks POST JSON to the URL provided with the following format:

"model": <(string) Name of Model>,
"action": <create|update|deleting>,
"data": <(object) Model data, see API Docs for format>


There are two authentication options available, Basic Authentication and a signed header.  The signed header adds an "X-Signing-Hash" header to the request which is comprised of an SHA hash of the payload, with whitespace removed, and a unique signing key appended.

If you require further information about webhooks and the information contained within the data stream, please contact Assemble support.


  Required permission(s)

  • Organisation management: 
    • Manage organisation settings