Managing opportunities

Last Updated:
by Wendy Halley

From the opportunity listing page, you can find all the opportunities you can manage based on your permissions and the Me, MyTeam or All selector. Use the filters and sorting options to refine your search.

Alternatively, the page "contextual search" can do the following searches:

  • Opportunity supplementary text
  • Role internal name
  • Role title
  • Keyword within the opportunity description (long advert)
  • Opportunity location name

* Click the images to expand

Simply click on the relevant opportunity to access opportunity editing. Most functionalities are the same for all opportunity types, except opportunity location, dates, time and how attendees are managed on one-off opportunities.

From an existing opportunity you can:

DuplicateExtendTake offlineDelete

Duplicating an existing opportunity will create an exact copy of the opportunity, which you can then save as a draft. You can review/change and publish it when you need to.

You cannot duplicate an opportunity if it was linked to an event, if the role profile is now inactive or if any of the supervisors are now inactive users.

Opportunity widgets

Widgets are all the opportunity sections; navigate through the tabs to find out more info for each section.

DetailsLocationsApplicationsAdvertOffline notes
Select the edit link on the opportunity widget which will open up a window where you can:
  • Change the opportunity status to published or offline
  • Change the opportunity team (this is the team successful volunteers will be part of)
  • Change supplementary title and opportunity description
  • Mark the opportunity as unlisted

    If you mark an opportunity as unlisted, the opportunity will be taken offline so that the opportunity advert won't appear on the public site search results. However, users can still access and apply to it if they have the opportunity URL.

Click here for more info on all opportunity types.

  • Set clearance flags

    Clearance flags are admin setting done by the organisation; please contact your manager/supervisor for further information.

    • Flags are set per opportunity bases, from opportunity page edit opportunity details screen.

      Where a clearance flag is set to an opportunity an email with the new volunteer details will be sent to the email address set when the clearance flag was created.

  • Require leavers form once the role has ended

    If unticked the system will automatically complete the leavers form. And this action will be logged on the user logs under the more section.

    This option is particularly useful for one-off opportunities with a high number of attendees, so it saves the opportunity manager having to complete the leavers' form for all attendees.

Managing one-off opportunities

As mentioned before location and attendees are managed differently on one-off opportunities. Expand the sections to see more info.


One-off opportunities have a different location setup, let's go through it.

To edit a location select the edit button then the "Change" to open the edit modal.

On the edit modal, you can add more timeslots to the same date or add a new date, you can add as many dates or time slot as you need.

You cannot remove all dates it should always have at least one. Also, you can only remove a date or timeslot if there are no applications attached to it.

If you have a time slot that you can't remove it because there are applications attached to it, but you don't want any more applications; Change the number of volunteers needed and applicants allowed to be equal to the number of the applications you already got, so the time slot will show as full, and nobody will be able to apply to it from the public site.

Also, time slots will be locked to applications on the public site if the date is in the past or today.

A part of adding extra dates and time slots you can also add multiple locations to the same opportunity by selecting the "Add new location" button, follow the instructions on the modal.


Select attendees to reveal the list of bulk actions, e.g. change status, re-send application email, send reminder SMS, etc. follow the onscreen instructions for each one of them.

Some bulk functionality, e.g. "Print" can only be done to a specific time slot, so make sure you have selected the right one.

From the "Actions" button you can also resend application email and change status individually as well as view user record.

Selecting multiple attendees across the same location

If an opportunity location has various timeslots for the same date, you can select all attendees across the timeslots to perform a bulk action against the attendees.

E.g. Location: "Mile 6", Date: 31/Aug has three attendees on the 9:00 to 14:00 and five on the 14:30 to 18:00 timeslots, if you select the attendees on one of the timeslots the system will ask if you want to select the attendees on the other timeslot.

To move attendees across timeslots

Add an attendee from one timeslot to another and cancel his attendance in the other timeslot. Please note this won't make any effect to the timeslot, the number of volunteers needed and applications allowed won't change at all.

  Required permission(s)

  • Opportunities:
    • Can manage opportunities
    • View opportunity notes1
    • Edit opportunity notes2
    • Delete opportunity notes3
    • Add a new image to the opportunity4
    • Edit opportunity advert location5
    • Delete an opportunity6
    • Edit opportunity details, locations and time slots7