Getting started with the Assemble app

Last Updated:
by Adriana Oliveira

While it is possible to access Assemble from a phone or tablet using the web browser, there is a dedicated app optimised for use on mobile devices. Supporting all the features available to volunteers, it allows easier access while on the move to messaging, rotas, news and more.

As with the web version of Assemble, access to features within the app will depend on role and permissions of the logged-in user. 

Supervisors, managers and admins can use the app for access to features from a personal perspective, such as messaging (including sending to team or role), viewing a rota or event, etc. However, management specific features/actions such as 'My team' are only supported within the web version of Assemble.

Logging in and out

The app uses the same username and password as the web and includes support for two factor authentication.

The Assemble app will not log a user out unless this is explicitly requested (see below). This allows users to quickly access the app without the need to provide login credentials each time it is opened. Access to the app will be controlled by the phones security/screen lock which the user should enable to ensure security of their device. 

To log out of the app completely, either to login as a different user or to ensure full login is required on next use, select 'Logout' from the 'Other' menu within the app. 

Using the app

The app replicates the features of the web version of Assembles, please see the relevant help sections (linked below) for support on what features there are. Additional guidance is given where a feature is visually different in the app over the web version.

All the pages on the Assemble app follow a similar design and layout, options on what can be done will vary with the feature and access permissions.


The home view will vary depending on permissions and features for the logged in user. Typical tiles include unread news, messages, events and tasks. Clicking a tile moves directly to the relevant section. 

On/Off Call availability can be managed from the home page, swipe right to select the period, or left to mark as unavailable. 



Activities gives access to Events, Tasks, Rota and Activities.

The top menu is split into three areas which change contextually depending on the selected feature. 

Top right: Supports actions such as adding new item, context search, delete or print depending on context. 

Middle/main navigation: Covers sub-features and can be dragged left/right on smaller displays to show all options.

Lower navigation: Contains filters and pop out additional filter icon as shown in the example from tasks:




Read organisation news.  


Messaging mirrors the web version of the platform. Bulk actions, i.e. deletion of multiple messages, can be performed by clicking the envelope icon/image on left of the required messages in the list which will switch to a selection box allowing multiple message selection.

While multiple messages are selected additional actions will be shown on the right of the screen for label, delete and print. De-selecting all the messages will return the display to normal. 

To compose a new message select the New_Item_Icon.png icon from the message screen (top right).

Click CC/BCC to add related recipients. To, CC, and BCC fields support full search of name, team* and role* (* permission dependant) for group messaging. Entries in the field will automatically search and display results below the field, selecting the required result will enter it to the field. 




User details: Top of screen allows access to personal details, skills and interests and contacts.

Calendar: View personal calendar.

Directory: View directory of users.

File hub: Access to Document hub.

Talk to organisation: Report issues or ask questions to the organisation.

Logout: Fully log out of the app, this is not required in normal use as access is typically left to the device being secured.