
Last Updated:
by Matt Loughton

Assemble supports importing users (including custom fields), adding notes or touchpoints, teams, address book entries, tasks and training records from CSV, XLS or XLSX files.

Example files for each import type are available for download below to help with your importing.

When working with exports from other systems there is no need to match the export files to the examples, i.e. field names or order, as the import process allows for field mapping. However the system will use the first row for column headings (to support mapping), so this should be added if it is not included.

To support import planning please download the Excel mapping template. This contains all the available fields and related options for each import type.

Importing data

The process is identical for all imports, but fields and options vary depending on the type of import being run. See below each import type section for more details.

Imports are available from the settings menu under bulk actions. The page will show any running, or previously run imports and you can click on these to view their status/history. 

As a file is loaded the system will analyse the file, using the first row as column headers for the mapping process. If you're repeating an import, the system will remember which fields you mapped with which and pre-populate the import tool.

The headers will be listed on the screen with a dropdown beside each for selection of the related Assemble field. Selecting nothing will ignore the field on import.

To avoid creating duplicates, select a field to be the unique identifier. If a field cannot be used as a unique identifier eg postcode, you will not be able to select it. The system will then use the related field to match the existing record for updates (e.g. User ID) or create a new record if none exists. If you don't set a unique identifier, the system will perform a basic check for email address or first name/last name before creating a new user.

The final field on the import allows you to rename the import if you want, to make it easier for you to know what it was when viewing the history. This is just for your own reference.

Once triggered an import runs as a separate process in the background. While you can monitor from the page (which will live update), this is not required, as the system will trigger a notification email once the entire import process has finished.

Progress will be shown on the header, and errors (by default) shown on the detail pane. You can change the view to show All, completed or Not processed rows using the filter button.

On completion, each successfully imported item will show a view link allowing you to check the imported data if desired. Please allow up to 24 hours for the data to be aggregated to the organisation statistics.

Error items can be corrected and re-run on screen, or you can correct the original file and re-import it, in the case of large numbers of issues.

Importing data from XLS or XLSX

Using XLS or XLSX files is best when importing multi-line text in a single field. However, you need to take care using these file types as you can format fields and manipulate cells in various different ways within spreadsheet software such as Excel. Sometimes this can cause unintended formatting of dates which, if you forget to double-check, can lead to the wrong date or other information being imported eg a start date of 5 December rather than the intended 12 May. CSV files are easier for most users to use for most imports (requiring less checking) but when text fields with line breaks are required XLS or XLSX should be used.

For best results, the date format YYYY-MM-DD should be used. They also should be marked as not regional specific within their fields/ cells.

Imports cannot be "undone" easily. Please carefully validate import files before loading large volumes of data. Once you click to import, you cannot cancel it.

Users Touchpoints Notes Address Book Teams Tasks Training Records EDI

Imported users will be checked against the unique ID or the email and first/last name match before a new record is created.

User imports must meet the requirements below to create a user:

  • role profile
  • team
  • manager
  • role start date.

* You can add a role end date too but if a role has an end date in the past, users will be made inactive (if no other active role remains). This may take up to 24 hours to show.

Only one role can be imported with a user, for users with multiple roles add these by repeating the import of the user as an update with the additional role. Each additional import will add another role based on the unique ID. It's best to try to use UserID where possible to ensure a match foradditional roles. You can get this by simply looking up the User ID from the header in the user record, or by exporting the imported users to obtain a list for an Excel lookup.

General notes:

  • Unique Identifier can only be set to User ID, Email Address or any custom field that has been marked in its setup as 'unique'.
  • For both custom fields and training, these must be configured manually in the system prior to the import to be available for mapping.
  • You cannot import to custom fields that are the following formats: file, photo, date period.
  • When importing to a custom field ensure the importing user has access to write to the field and your imported data matches what you have configured as acceptable values for the custom field.
  • You need to have the parent level teams in place first for your team hierarchy so manually adding may be easier if you only have a few teams. Do multiple imports if you have many levels in the team hierarchy.
  • When importing training you only import completion date (where relevant), as what training is needed is configured by role, not user. Ensure the training mapped is relevant to the role you are importing.
  • When importing diversity data for any field containing the word "other" the other category can also be provided. For example, if for "Nationality" column the value provided is "other", then provide a value for "other nationality" column. 
  • If you want to include addresses in your teams import, add/import your addresses first and then export your address book to carry out an Excel lookup or similar.