
Last Updated:
by Adriana Oliveira

Assemble news pages are an essential communication tool for your organisation to keep you informed of all their activities.

When you log on to Assemble, you are shown a number of news articles that your organisation feels are important. You can see further news by either clicking the "News" button on the main menu or by clicking the "View all news articles" button on the homepage. (Supervisors, please be aware that when you log in, you are taken to the dashboard, rather than the homepage.)

All news

This page will show you a summary of all the recent news, published by your organisation. As you scroll to the bottom of the news page, you will see a "Load more" if there are more news articles available for you to view.

My news

To customise your news feed select the "My News" tab and click on the "Let's create your own feed" button. This will bring up a list of keywords that are relevant to your organisation. Select the keywords that you are interested in and press "Create". Assemble will remember your preferences and show you news that has been tagged with the keyword(s) you have selected.

If you change your mind, press the "Preferences" option where you can change your feed preferences.


Search news

You can search for news articles by using the search tool available. This will search the contents of the news article and show you relevant results.

Please note that if you have applied keywords and perform the search while in the "My News" section, then Assemble will only search articles that match your preferences.

If you have any questions about any of the articles, please contact your direct line supervisor.